


热心市民 29





1. 某物体因受到外力作用或本身重力平衡不稳而导致发生晃动、颤抖的情形,如:The ground shook under my feet.(地面在我脚底晃动着。)

2. 人体由于某些原因而导致身体或四肢出现颤抖现象,如:His fingers shook as he held the glass.(他拿着杯子时,手指发抖。)

在日常口语中,Shake还经常被用来表示“握手”这一动作,如:Let's shake on it.(咱们握手打个交道。)不过这种用法已经较少使用。



1. Shake作为名词,意为“奶昔、摇头曲”。

She ordered a strawberry shake.(她点了一份草莓奶昔。)

Do you like to dance to the latest shakes?(你喜欢跳最新的摇头曲吗?)

2. Shake作为动词短语,还可以表示“抖落、挥动、撼动、动摇”等含义。

He shook the snow off his coat.(他抖落了身上的雪。)

She shook her head, indicating her disagreement.(她摇了摇头,表示不同意。)

The earthquake shook the whole city.(地震摇晃了整个城市。)

3. Shake还可以出现在一些固定词组中,如:shake up, shake down, shake off等,这些词组的意思分别为“动乱、楼房摇晃、摆脱”等。

The new manager is planning to shake up the company.(新经理计划改组公司。)

The earthquake shook down several buildings.(地震摇倒了几栋大楼。)

Shake off that bad mood and enjoy the party.(摆脱那种消极情绪,享受派对吧。)


1. Shake hands 挥手致意

When they meet, they usually shake hands.(见到面时,他们通常要握手。)

2. Shake something out of somebody 从某人口中套话

I managed to shake the truth out of him.(我最终从他口中套出了真相。)

3. Shake your head 摇头

She shook her head, no longer interested in the conversation.(她摇了摇头,不再对这个话题感兴趣了。)

4. Shake it off 振作起来、摆脱负面情绪

If you feel down, try to shake it off and move forward.(你情绪低落的话,试着振作起来,继续前行。)

5. Shake the dice 摇骰子

He always shakes the dice before rolling them.(他总是在掷骰子之前摇动它们。)


1. shake a leg 快点、赶快

Come on, shake a leg! We're gonna be late if we don't hurry.(快点走,要是不赶快,我们就要迟到了。)

2. shake like a leaf 发抖不已

I was so nervous that my hands were shaking like a leaf.(我太紧张了,手都发抖了。)

3. shake a stick at 十分丰富

There are variety of restaurants to choose from here. You can't shake a stick at that.(这里有各式各样的餐厅可供选择,非常丰富。)

4. shake the dust off one’s feet 离开某地、摆脱某种不好的影响

I'm looking forward to shaking the dust off my feet and starting my new life.(我期望着离开这里,扬长而去,开始我新的生活。)



1. Shake It Off(Shake it off!)是一首由美国流行歌手泰勒·斯威夫特演唱的歌曲,也被拍成了mv。

2. Shake Shack是一家美国连锁快餐品牌,以其美味的汉堡闻名于世,并曾经两次上市。

3. 已经有众多的摇滚乐队使用Shake作为他们的乐队名和专辑名,如Thisway to the Shake Intended by The Bomboras,以及Shake Your Money Maker by The Black Crowes等。

